The Secret to Success

Strength in Numbers

Superior Productions® Entrepreneurs Association helps Businesses succeed.

Networking encourages support, mentoring, revenue opportunities, and the sharing of ideas.

Our exclusive events bring business minds together to expand knowledge, skills, and the keys to success.

Gain access to valuable resources and tools to help you enhance your company.

The right team
is the key!

Receive membership benefits that save on business expenses and assist in other important areas.

Techniques for strategic planning, systems, time enhancement, and other valuable business necessities.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to grow and connect with other like-minded professionals.






The Secret to Success

Strength in Numbers

The Producers Association brings creative minds together to expand knowledge, opportunities, and speed up success.

Throughout our lives we discover how important networking is in our career and lives. 

Focusing on support, encouragement, sharing ideas, and revenue opportunities to keep goals on track.

The right team
is the key!

Our association is open to individuals that love the Movie, Television, Video, and Stage industry.

Enjoy the benefits of being part of a larger team with numerous benefits.

Including ways to saves hundreds of thousands of dollars on the expenses that are required to build a successful career.





The Secret to Success

Strength in Numbers

Entertainers who are part of an Association reach higher levels of success.

Mingling with other entertainers to create a support team opens up income opportunities and industry knowledge.

Moreover, a wide range of resources, opportunities, career development, and much more.

Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned pro.  You can speed up your career.

The right team is the key!

Save hundreds of thousands of dollars on the expenses that are required to build a successful career.

Such as experienced Mentors, Business developers, Consultants, and Attorneys.  Managers, Product developers, Distributors, Publishers, Public Relations, Publicist, Advertising, Branding, Marketing, and Sales.



Martial Arts



The Secret to Success

Strength in Numbers

Our Networking Association focuses on support, resources, income opportunities, and career development.

It is important for Athletes to compete at local, regional, and national levels. 

To participate in competitions, tournaments, and events to gain exposure. 

Building a strong athletic and supportive environment to enhance skills and opportunities is vital.

The right team
is the key!

Saves hundreds of thousands of dollars on the expenses that are required to build a successful career.

Such as experienced Mentors, Business developers, Consultants, and Attorneys.

Managers, Product developers, Distributors, Publishers, Public Relations, Publicist, Advertising, Branding, Marketing, and Sales.


& Competitions

Superior Productions Broadcast Tournaments and Competitions offer exciting payouts of cash prizes, laptops, luxury vacations, and more.

Perfect for expanding Brand name recognition and increasing your fanbase to raise income value.

Sports Events are
Broadcast on Superior Productions®
Broadcasting Network and Social Media sources. 


Career Requirements

Not only do you have to provide amazing Talent and Skills, you must stay in the public’s eye.  However, the cost of nationwide, and international promotion is untouchable.

You also have to maintain a steady stream of fans to survive.  This is next to impossible when hundreds of other Entertainers & Athletes with more talent are fighting for the same goal.

It takes a Team to Succeed

Entertainers and Athletes would never survive or expand without sources like mentors, managers, attorneys, and investors.  Products would not exist without product developers, distribution, and marketing.

Talent would only exist in a limited locality without promotion and public relations.  In addition, Careers would repeatedly collapse without the assistance of consultants and business developers.

We have the Solution

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Moreover, lack of industry knowledge can make you a target, and cause you to miss out on income, and valuable opportunities.

It will take a team of professionals to create success, but how does one afford all of the vital resources that are mandatory to obtain a successful Career?

Your Team

1 Career Development 

Builds a strong foundation and creates a strategic road to success.

Concentrates on enhancing your knowledge, skills, and work experience.

Focus on your image, choreography, and performing abilities.  Build effective Portfolios and Press kits that are specially designed to excite fans and to capture income opportunities.

In Business numbers do not lie.  Using career analysis to measure your progress and popularity is critical to success.  It gives you a basis for comparison over time.  Tracking your success and improvements will help you to focus your efforts for faster results. 

2 Management
Build Brand Recognition and a fanbase to increase income value.

Companies are less likely to hire individuals that are unknown and do not have a large fanbase.  The size of your fanbase equals your financial value.

Talent alone will not attract viewers, fill an audience, or sell tickets.  Nor will a Company invest the funds required to market new talent.  That is why Known talent is selected over unknown.

Although everyone loves your products, voice, acting abilities, and dance skills.  You cannot expect for someone to invest the time and finances needed to develop your public recognition.

It is vital to establish your fanbase through proven and effective sources such as Promotional Events, Videos, Networking Events, Social media, small rolls in Movies, Television, etc.  Soon your fanbase will grow.

3 Consulting
Experts can reduce errors, expenses, and time substantially.

Specialists will assist you throughout your career. Moreover, develop short and long-term steps to achieve your goals. Experienced consultants are the secret to the success of the top Corporations, Entertainers, and Athletes.

Professionals are qualified to help make wiser decisions, and to increase profits.  The most successful individuals use consultants to achieve success.

In Business numbers do not lie.  Using career Analysis to measure your progress and popularity is critical to success and gives you a basis for comparison over time. Tracking your success and improvements will help you to focus your efforts for faster results. 

4 Attorneys
Attorneys Protect your rights, money, and future.

Attorneys will assist you with the risky details of the entertainment industry.  Including drafting legal documents, negotiations, and the mediation of contracts.  Securing the collection and distribution of royalties.

Filing Copyrights, Corporations, and Trademarks. Handling complicated tax, licensing, and international laws.

Most importantly they manage situations that may lead to litigation or arbitration.  It is imperative to have a Professional protect your money and career.

5 Promotional Events
Keep you in the public eyes.

Amplify your popularity, target your desired audience, and increase your fanbase through Promotional Events.

Research has proven that by donating 10-25 percent of your time appearing and performing at free events is far more effective than paid marketing and advertising.

Simply volunteer at Charity, Corporate, Concerts, Sports Events, Hosting, guest appearances in Movies, Television shows, Radio, etc.

Networking Events will also offer an opportunity to mingle and build deep bonds with new fans.

6 Career Managers
Cultivate long and short term goals.

Your Manager will pick up where the career developer and consultant left off to establish your short term and long-term plan.

Representing and overseeing your career, business deals, arranging tours, income opportunities, establishing large industry contracts, etc.

When Entertainers and Athletes are unknown and their fanbase is minimal.  It makes establishing venues, performances, tours, events, contracts, and income opportunities quite difficult.

Businesses do not work directly with Entertainers or Athletes.  A Manager is responsible to give a Company what they require to complete their project.  Then the Manager works with the Entertainer or Athlete to fulfill the Companies contracted agreement.

Managers organize all aspects of their client’s career to create the most effective brand in the industry.  They advise on all business decisions, as well as many of the creative decisions.  That makes your manager an essential part of your complex career.

7 Agents
Locate income opportunities.

Your Agent will network with industry leaders, project developers, and companies to build your business prospects.

Their objective is to negotiate contracts, income opportunities, and arrange auditions.  They specialize in Movies, Television, Commercials, and Stage.  In addition to Concerts, Sports Events, Radio, etc.

Agents are vital to a career, since Companies do not work directly with Entertainers and Athletes.

8 Promoters
Develop, Organize, and Market Events.

They create concerts for Cover, Tribute, and bands with their own original music. 

Promoters arrange Corporate and Organization events such as expos, and conventions.  As well as tournaments, competitions, and exhibits.

Including organizing special occasions, parties, and weddings for private individuals.  Events may include Models, dancers, food, your favorite music, captivating effects, etc.

9 Producers
Develop Film, Television, Stage, and Music projects.

A Production team will organize and manage the creation of your music projects for broadcast, distribution to the stores, or online purchase.  Arrange your composition, sound engineering, recording, and audio mastering.

They will oversee and develop your videos, movies, and television shows that are designed especially for you.

Your Director will manage the artistic decisions, staging, and video recordings.

Production cost are discounted for members, and may include Studio time, songwriters, recording, scriptwriters, camera crews, lighting, sound, directors, editors, producers, etc.

10 Products
Designers and Publishers develop products and packaging.

Assist you in the design, development, and packaging of products for distribution to the stores or online.  Some examples are CD’s, DVD’s, books, audio books, videos, downloads, clothing, etc.

Development cost are discounted for members and may include design, materials, manufacturing, pricing, labeling, storage, transportation, shipping, damage loss, taxes, etc.

11 Distributors
Put your product in the store, online, and other sources.

Most stores prefer to work with distribution companies that carry a large supply of available merchandise, process orders, deliver and stock products, etc.

Distribution cost are discounted for members, and may include Transportation, shipping, damage loss, placement cost, storage, distribution fees. Record keeping, Processing of payment, interest, security, taxes, etc.

12 Marketers
Use techniques to entice the public into purchasing your products. 

Captures the attention of target audiences by using slogans, packaging design, and brand awareness. Celebrity endorsements, media exposure, a variety of techniques to close the sale, etc.

Marketing cost are discounted for members, and may include Displays and promotional events. Songwriters and recordings. Scriptwriters, camera crews, lighting, and sound. Directors, editors, and producers. Communication and complaints. Transportation, shipping, and damage loss. Labeling, placement cost, storage, and distribution fees. Processing of payment, interest, record keeping, security, taxes, etc.

13 Promotions
Keep you in the public eye.

You must have a steady flow of public exposure and promotion to maintain and grow your fanbase.

Performing your talents in Movies, Television, Commercials, and Music Videos. Discussing your career in Talk shows, Radio show, and Interviews. Actively participating in Tours, Concerts, Events, Online media, etc.

Effective press kits and portfolios. Magazines, Billboards, Newspaper articles, and Posters.

Promotion cost are discounted for members, and may include Design, materials, and printing. Songwriters, and recording. Scriptwriters, camera crews, lighting, and sound. Producers, directors, and editors. Labeling, transportation, and shipping. Record keeping, security, taxes, etc.

14 Public Relations
Strategically create a professional image through the press and media.

Your PR will help the public to maintain a certain view point, and image about you.

Creating brand awareness with news releases, preparing interviews, and working with the press. Writing speeches, preparing press conferences, and acting as your spokesperson for crisis management.

Develop website and social media content. Articles for magazines, newsletters, newspapers and Blogs. Design press kits and other media sources.

Public Relations cost are discounted for members, and may include Articles, Transportation, shipping, placement cost, storage, distribution fees. Record keeping, Processing of payment, interest, security, taxes, etc.

15 Publicist
Promotion through news sources.

Designing captivating press coverage about you, your events, and products. Concentrating on attracting public attention through newspapers, magazines, articles, etc.

Publicist cost are discounted for members, and may include Transportation, shipping, damage loss, placement cost, storage, distribution fees. Record keeping, Processing of payment, interest, security, taxes, etc.

16 Advertising
Public exposure through Media, Print, Radio and more.

Advertise through Promotional Videos, Press kits, and Portfolios. Television shows, Movies, and Commercials. Radio, Events, and Night clubs. Posters, Newspapers, and Magazines. Social Media and Online.

Advertising cost are discounted for members, and may include Design, Printing, Transportation, shipping, damage loss, placement cost, storage, distribution fees. Record keeping, Processing of payment, interest, security, taxes, etc.